Saturday, June 9, 2012


Well, some big changes to our lifestyle. Nah, not the lifestyle, but the way we do it. The way it started was the box truck needing another repair. Blown head gasket, or block crack. So I was gearing up for another boondocking month in Texas heat trying to accumulate the money for some mechanic to pull the head off the engine. Pulling the head off this engine is more than I am capable of.
  I was looking at Deb and wondering if I could put her through all this again, with the miserable Texas heat. Also, she rarely escaped the box, and now with no way to drive it, we would have to be parked in a plug-in site to have air conditioning.
  I guess the decision was made for me. The box had to go. At what cost? I had to sell my trailer and my bike. I then took that money and bought an old class C. 1987 fleetwood tioga on a chevy chassis, 350 engine. Almost the same as what I had, except I didn't build it.

But at least it's drivable. I can take Deb out and about, and the air conditioner works. I knew that the notorious  overhead would leak. Also, it required a $900 brake job, new master cylinder and lines. I've already started repairing the roof, and the brakes are done.
  During this same time period, we met and adopted another furry companion, a Lhasa Apso named Charlie. Could not pass him up (I'm a sucker for Lhasas). Ain't he cute?
   So, the adventure continues, with a  few forks (thanks, Brian) in the road....



  1. Wow look at all those windows you have!!!

    Doggie Charlie is adorable!!!

    Good of you to think of your wife first. How is she doing?

    1. Yes, windows are a big plus...not so much of a box!

  2. Good luck with your "new" home on wheels. Glad to see your upbeat post, and your new pooch is a cutie!

    Bob (aka stude53)

    1. There you are, Bob...been wondering about you. Thanks for the good luck wish. I love this Charlie dog.

  3. New follower, I sure like your blog and cant wait for a update on how your new rig is treating you.


    1. Welcome to my journal, Jeff...I will be posting my progress soon...i

    2. Ok, Great. I hope your doing good.


    3. Just biding my time till I can get another 4 tires on the rear...then wer'e headed to NM ....otherwise, we are doing OK...

  4. Ok, I added you to my RSS feed so I know when you make a new blog post. Glad to hear your good. Hope you get those tires soon.


  5. Hi, Guy

    Glad to see you back on the forum, too. Did you get the roof all sealed up? Hope you get your new baby (no not Charlie, yes big Chevy) some new shoes, and get back on the road to cooler climes.

    Bob (aka stude53)

    1. Hi Bob,
      Still working on the roof of the new baby...and waiting to get the new shoes...Looking forward to cooler climes. Man, it is HOT!

  6. Don't know where you are in Texas but if you get out west of San Antonio there is a RV Park in D'Hanis Texas, Hwy 90 about 40 miles west of San Antonio, when we were there in February it was $225 a month plus electric, owner was great, may be some work in the area with the oil fields.

    Good Luck

    1. Thank's, Bill...I've gone the oil field route before...right out there in west Texas. That's where I got hurt pretty bad...can't do that anymore, but I can take advantage of your suggestion for a plug in site...
      Thanks again!

  7. Hi Guy and, big change. Sorry you had to let the other rig and stuff go but maybe this will work out cheaper and better for you both....I hope so.

    It is getting cooler by the day over here, have to wear a coat to walk the dog in the AM and eves,

    Best to you both and hang in there,,,

    1. Thanks, Bri....we're dealing with it...getting cooler here also. Just bought 6 tires to get us to NM...think we're ready to push west now...hope to see you some time out there.
